Department of Molecular Genetics
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HeadGennadiy D. Telegeev
Professor, Dr. Sci. (Mol. Genetics) |
Education and Degrees:
1968–1974 Graduate Student, Bogomolets National Medical University, Kyiv, Ukraine
1978–1982 Ph.D. Student, Department of Gene Engineering, Institute of Molecular Biology and Genetics (IMBG), NASU, Kyiv, Ukraine
1990 Ph.D. (molecular biology)
2013 Dr.Sci. (molecular biology)
2021 Professor (biology)
Professional Employment:
1977–1984 Engineer, Department of Gene Engineering, IMBG NASU, Kyiv, Ukraine
1984–1992 Junior Research Scientist, Department of Gene Engineering, IMBG NASU, Kyiv, Ukraine
1992–1998 Research Scientist, Department of Gene Engineering, IMBG NASU, Kyiv, Ukraine
1998–2008 Senior Research Scientist, Department of Molecular Genetics, IMBG NASU, Kyiv, Ukraine
since 2008 Head of the Department of Molecular Genetics, IMBG NASU, Kyiv, Ukraine
2018 Award of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine for the development and implementation of innovative technologies (Order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine 10.05.2018, № 289-р)
Research Area:
Investigation of factors and molecular mechanisms of malignant transformation in human
Development of technology of targeted drug delivery to eukaryotic cells
Сurrent Research Activities and Recent Achievements:
- Study on molecular pathogenesis of chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML) and role of Bcr domains in this pathology.
- Elaboration of the test-system for Ph-positive leukemias diagnostics and detection of Abl mutations in patients with resistance to imatinib.

- Formulating novel role of PH domain as protein-protein and protein-lipid anchor, study on proteins that interact with it as well as changes in methylation status of the promotor regions of certain genes in cancer.
- Development of nanovectors on the basis of branched dextran-polyacrilamide and dispersed silicium for targeted drug delivery to cells with phagocyte activity as a step for therapy of monocytic leukemias and histiocytic neoplasms.
- Studies on CXCR4 expression in cancer progenitor cells and development of nanotechnology-based therapy and imaging for prostate cancer using CXCR4-targeted metal nanoparticles.

National Grants:
Projects of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine:
- 2013 Innovative Project: “The development and introduction into medical practice of highly specific molecular genetic diagnostic markers for malignant tumors of the genitourinary system“
- 2012 Innovative Project: “The development and introduction into clinical practice the complex immunocytochemical and molecular genetic technologies for diagnosis of acute leukemia”
- 2010–2014 N 42/10 Project: “The study of molecular genetic changes in myeloproliferative diseases and their use in clinical diagnostics”
Projects of State Fund for Fundamental Researches:
- 2010–2014 N Project: “Development of nanotechnology from silica and branched dextran-polyacrylamide polymers to deliver drugs into cells with phagocytic activity as a step towards targeted therapies of monocytic leukemias and histiocytic tumors”
with Ukrainian organizations:
- National Cancer Institute, Ministry of Health of Ukraine (Kyiv)
- Kyiv Regional Oncological Dispensary (Kyiv)
- Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv (Kyiv)
- O. O. Chuiko Institute of Surface Chemistry, NASU (Kyiv)
- R .E. Kavetsky Institute of Experimental Pathology, Oncology and Radiobiology, NASU (Kyiv)
- Kyiv Institute for Nuclear Research, NASU (Kyiv)
with foreign organizations:
- Institute of Biochemistry and Biophysics, PAS (Warsaw, Poland)
- OncoRay – National Center for Radiation Research in Oncology (Dresden, Germany)
Selected publications:
- Antonenko, S., Zavelevich, M., Telegeev, G. The role of USP1 deubiquitinase in the pathogenesis and therapy of cancer. Acta biochimica Polonica, 2023, 70(2), pp. 219–231
- Antonenko, S.V., Gurianov, D.S., Kravchuk, I.V., ...Shvachko, L.P., Telegeev, G.D. Role of BCR and FNBP1 Proteins in Phagocytosis as a Model of Membrane Rearrangements with Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia. Cytology and Genetics, 2023, 57(4), pp. 291–297
- Shchaslyvyi, A.Y., Antonenko, S.V., Tesliuk, M.G., Telegeev, G.D. Current State of Human Gene Therapy: Approved Products and Vectors. Pharmaceuticals, 2023, 16(10), 1416
- Shvachko, L.P., Zavelevich, M.P., Gluzman, D.F., Telegeev, G.D. New molecular studies for approaches affecting chronic myeloid leukemia cells to differentiation pathways. Horizons in Cancer Research. Volume 84, 2022, pp. 201–204
- Shvachko, L.P., Zavelevich, M.P., Gluzman, D.F., Telegeev, G.D. Ectopic Placental-Like Alkaline Phosphatase (PLAP) reprogramming to differentiation by vitamin E exposure in leukemic K562 cells. Horizons in Cancer Research. Volume 84, 2022, pp. 191–199
- L. P. Shvachko, S. V. Antonenko, D. S. Guryanov, M. P. Zavelevich, D. F. Gluzman and G. D. Telegeev. Alternative target pathways for putative therapeutic approaches affecting chronic myeloid leukemia cells. Horizons in Cancer Research. Volume 84, 2022, pp. 99–125
- M.V.Dybkov, M.P.Zavelevich, D.F. Gluzman, G.D. Telegeev. Rapid low-cost detection of type 2 calr mutation by allele-specific rt-pcr for diagnosis of myeloproliferative neoplasms. Exp Oncol 2022 V44, N1, P. 83–86. DOI: 10.32471/exp-oncology.2312-8852.vol-44-no-1.17329
- O.M. Mukvich, G.D.Telegeev, A.M. Matskevych, A.M. Gilfanova. Polymorphisms of Genes Associated with intracellular Signaling pethways in juvenile idiopathic Arthritis. CYTOLOGY AND GENETICS 2022,Vol.56, no 3 pp 226-235 DOI 10.3103/S0095452722030070
- Gurianov, D.S., Antonenko, S.V., Telegeev, G.D. pH domain of bcr provides colocalization of full-length bcr with centrosome together with cortactin to facilitate actin-organizing function. Biopolymers and Cell, 2021, 37(1), pp. 3–13
- Gurianov, D.S., Antonenko, S.V., Telegeev, G.D. Nuclear localization of bcr and cortactin indicates their potential role in regulation of actin branching in nucleus. Experimental Oncology, 2021, 43(1), pp. 73–76
- Gurianov, D.S., Antonenko, S.V., Telegeev, G.D. Colocalization of BCR Protein with Clathrin, Actin, and Cortactin Suggests Its Possible Role in the Regulation of Actin Branching and Clathrin-Mediated Endocytosis. Cytology and Genetics, 2021, 55(2), pp. 152–161
- Antonenko, S.V., Kravchuk, I.V., Telegeev, G.D. Interaction of Bcl-Abl Oncoprotein with the Glg1 Protein in K562 Cells: its Role in the Pathogenesis of Chronic Myeloid Leukemia. Cytology and Genetics. - 2020. 54(1), pp. 48-54
- Antonenko, S.V., Telegeev, G.D. Inhibition of USP1, a new partner of Bcr-Abl, results in decrease of Bcr-Abl level in K562 cells. - 2020. Experimental Oncology 42(2), pp. 109-114
- Shvachko, L.P., Zavelevich, M.P., Gluzman, D.F., Telegeev, G.D. Aberrant expression of placental-like alkaline phosphatase in chronic myeloid leukemia cells in vitro and its modulation by vitamin e. - 2020. Experimental Oncology 42(1), pp. 31-34
- D.Gurianov, S. Antonenko, G. Teleegeev. Creating genetic constructs for determining spatio-temporal distribution of cortactin and the PH domain of BCR in mammalian cells. Exp Onkol.-2018.-V40.- №2.р.159-160
- Телегєєв Г. Д. Ювілей провідного генетика. До 80-річчя члена-кореспондента НАН України С. С. Малюти. Вісник НАН України.-2018.-№ 2.-с.122-124
- Tyutyunnykova Anna, Gennady Telegeev, Anna Dubrovska. The controversial role of phospholipase C epsilon (PLC) in cancer development and progression. Journal of Cancer. 2017.-V.8.-№ 5. -p.716-729
- G. Teleegeev, N. Kutsevol, V. Chumachenko, A Naumenko, P. Telegeeva, S. Filipchenko, and Yu. Harahuts. Dextran-Polyacrilamide as Matrices for Creation of Anticancer Nanocomposite. International Journal of Polymer Science. International Journal of Polymer Science Volume 2017, Article ID 4929857 (9 pages)
- P. Telegeeva, N. Kutsevol, S. Filipchenko, and G. Teleegeev. Dextran-Polyacrilamide as Nanocarrier for Tergeted Deliveri of Anticancer Drugs info Tumor Cells. In book Chemical engineering of polimers: Production of Functional and Flexible Materials, 458 p. / Apple Academic Press Inc/ Canada, Chapter 15, p.183-193. September 2016
- Gridina N.Ya., Schvachko L.P., Draguntsova N.G. Tumor-Associated Inflammation Mechanisms Correction By Verapamil At Brain Gliomas Progression. European Journal of Pharmaceutical and Medical Research (EJPMR). 2016, 3(8): 73-78.
- Zimina O.V., Parii M.F., Alkhimova O.G. Loss of heterozygosity at individual loci in Arabidopsis thaliana regenerants cultured with para-fluoropheny lalanine. Cytology and Genetics. 2016, 50 (4):11-15.
- Monika Cojoc, Eduard A. Stakhovsky, Gennady D. Telegeev, Anna Dubrovska. Targeting of the epigenetic reprogramming for prostate cancer cell radiosensitization. Cancer research. 2016, 76(9):2637-2651.
- S. V. Antonenko, D.S. Gurianov, аnd G. D. Telegeev. Colocalization of USP1 and PH Domain of Bcr-Abl Oncoprotein in Terms of Chronic Myeloid Leukemia Cell. Cytology and Genetics. 2016, 5:352-356.
- Monika C, Telegeev GT, Dubrovska A. AldegideDehydrogenase Is Regulated by -Catenin/TCF and Promotes Radioresistance in Prostate Cancer Progenitor Cells. Cancer Research. 2015;75(7):1-13.
- Polishchuk LA, Telegeev GD. Role of the hybrid Bcr/Abl kinase in the pathogenesis of chronic myeloid leukemia lacking C-Abl and CXCR4 proteins. Exp Oncol. 2014;36(3):138-43.
- Cherepenko E, Telegeev G. In search of molecular approaches to improving cancer therapy efficacy. Exp Oncol. 2014;36(1):52-55.
- Telegeev GD, Dybkov MV, Dubrovska AN, et al.,Development of molecular oncohematology in Ukraine Biopolym. Cell. 2013; 29(4):277-282 doi:10.7124/bc.000822
- Cojoc M, Peitzsch C, Trautmann F, Polishchuk L, Telegeev GD, Dubrovska A. Emerging targets in cancer management: role of the CXCL12/CXCR4 axis. Onco Targets Ther. 2013; 6:1347–61.
- Dubrovska A, Elliott J, Salamone RJ, Telegeev GD, et al. CXCR4 expression in prostate cancer progenitor cells. PLoS One. 2012;7(2):e31226. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0031226
- Miroshnichenko D, Dubrovska A, Maliuta S, Telegeev G, Aspenstrom P. Novel role of pleckstrin homology domain of the BCRABL protein: Analysis of proteinprotein and proteinlipid interactions. Exp Cell Res. 2010;316(4):530–42. doi:10.1016/j.yexcr.2009.11.014
- Telegeev GD, Dubrovska AN, Nadgorna VA, et al. Immunocytochemical study of Bcr and BcrAbl localization in K562 cells. Exp Oncol. 2010;32(2):81–3.
- Polishchuk LA, Telegeeva PG, Stakhovsky AE, Telegeev GD, Stakhovsky EA. New specific molecular diagnostic markers for Urooncology. Laboratory Diagnostics. 2010;54(4):46–51.
- Dybkov MV, Gartovska IR, Maliuta SS, Telegeev GD. Detection of V617F mutation of gene jak2 at patients with chronic myeloproliferative neoplasms. Biopolym. Cell. 2010; 26(3):14–7. doi: 10.7124/bc.000159
- Shvachko LP. DNA hypomethylation as Achilles' heel of tumorigenesis: a working hypothesis. Cell Biol Int. 2009; 33(8):904–10. doi: 10.1016/j.cellbi.2009.02.018
- Rachkov A, Holodova Yu, Ushenin Yu, Miroshnichenko D, Telegeev G, Soldatkin A. Development of bioselective element of Spr spectrometer for monitoring of oligonucleotide interactions and comparison with thermodynamic calculations. Sensor Letters. 2009;7(15):957–61. doi: 10.1166/sl.2009.1180
- Shvachko LP. Alterations of constitutive pericentromeric heterochromatin in lymphocytes of cancer patients and lymphocytes exposed to 5azacytidine is associated with DNA hypomethylation. Exp Oncol. 2008;30(3):230–4.
- Telegeev GD, Dubrovska AN, Dybkov MV, Maliuta SS. Influence of BCR/ABL fusion proteins on the course of Ph leukemias. Acta Biochim Pol. 2004;51(3):845–9.