Education and Degrees:
1963 Graduate Student, Maxim Gorky Donetsk National Medical University, Donetsk, Ukraine, M.D.
1968 Ph.D. (molecular biology), O. V. Palladin Institute of Biochemistry (IBC), NASU, Kyiv, Ukraine
1976 Dr.Sci. (molecular biology), IBC NASU, Kyiv, Ukraine
1986 Full Professor, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine
1988 Corresponding Member of NASU (molecular biology)
1992 Member of NASU (molecular biology)
Professional Employment:
1963–1965 Senior Laboratory Assistant, Maxim Gorky Donetsk National Medical University, Donetsk, Ukraine
1965–1968 Postgraduate Student, O. V. Palladin Institute of Biochemistry (IBC) NASU, Kyiv, Ukraine
1968–1973 Junior Research Scientist, IBC NASU, Kyiv, Ukraine
1973–1978 Senior Research Scientist, Institute of Molecular Biology and Genetics (IMBG), NASU, Kyiv, Ukraine
1978–1996 Head of Department, IMBG NASU, Kyiv, Ukraine
1996–2003 Deputy Director, IMBG NASU, Kyiv, Ukraine
2003-2019 Director, IMBG NASU, Kyiv, Ukraine
Since 2019 Advisor to the Directorate, Major Research Scientist of the Department of Structural and Functional Proteomics, IMBG NASU, Kyiv, Ukraine
Vice-President of Ukrainian Biochemical Society
Head of the Expert committee on biology of Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine
Head of the Scientific Council of IMBG NASU
Head of NASU Scientific and Technical Program "Sensor systems for medico-ecological and industrial-technological requirement: metrological support and experimental operation"
Member of the International Council on Biotechnology and Biodiversity, International Association of Academies of Sciences (IAAS), from 2016
Head of the Scientific Expert Group for the “Fundamentals of Molecular and Cellular Biotechnology” Program of NASU
Editor-in-Chief of Journal “Biopolymers and Cell” (Ukraine)
Editorial Board member of Journals: “Ukrainica Bioorganica Acta” (Ukraine), “Bulletin of Vavylov Society of Geneticists and Breeders of Ukraine” (Ukraine)
Editorial Council member of Journals: “Ukrainian Biochemical Journal” (Ukraine), “Biotechnologia Acta” (Ukraine)
Honours, Prizes, Awards:
1976 O. V. Palladin Award of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
1982 Diploma of Presidium of Verkhovna Rada of Ukrainian SSR
1986 State Prize of Ukraine in Science and Technology
1989 Diploma of State Committee for Inventions and Discoveries of USSR
1998 Honoured Worker of Science and Technology of Ukraine
2004 Diploma of Verhovna Rada of Ukraine
2005 Gold Medal of the Ukrainian Federation of Scientists
2008 The Order of Princess Olga, III degree
2009 “European Quality Award” and Europe Business Assembly Diploma
2012 The Order of St. Andrew, III degree
2013 Gratitude of the Prime Minister of Ukraine
2015 The Order of Princess Olga, II degree
2016 Vernadsky Gold Medal of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine for outstanding achievements in the field of molecular biology and bioelectronics
2017 "Woman of Ukraine 2016" Award, nomination "Science and Education"
2021 The Order of Princess Olga, I degree
Research Area:
The mechanisms of protein synthesis and its regulation in higher eukaryotes
The development of novel analytical systems, bio- and chemosensors, on the basis of different transducers and biological material or synthetic biomimics
Сurrent Research Activities and Recent Achievements:
- The concept of vectorial transfer of tRNA during translation
elongation process in mammalian cells has been
established. Molecular mechanisms of tRNA channeling
have been uncovered.
- Spatial structures of A1 and proto-oncogenic A2 isoforms
of mammalian eEF1 have been shown to be different
despite 97 % homology of their amino acid sequences. Differential interaction of the isoforms with protein
partners has been demonstrated which might be
important for oncogenecity of A2.
- X-ray structure of the proto-oncogenic A2 isoform has
been obtained, in collaboration with Department of
Protein Synthesis Enzymology, and some peculiariries in
the mechanism of GTP/GDP exchange have been reveiled.
- Mechanism of overexpression of A2 in tumors has been
shown to be related to special microRNAs whose role has
been predicted theoretically and proved experimentally.
- The components of macromolecular eEF1 complex have
been shown to function independently from the complex
in human cancer cells and tissues where the subunits may
apparently fulfill a non-translational role.
- Development and creation of micro/nano electrochemical
bio- and chemosensors for the in vitro and
in vivo determination of major metabolites, some
neurotransmitters, alcohols, aldehydes and toxic
- Use of nanomaterials, nanotubes and zeolites to improve
analytical characteristics of bio- and chemosensor devices.
- Use of new genetically engineered proteins and synthetic
recognition molecules to create sensors with given
analytical characteristics.
- Creation of synthetic analogues of biological receptors by
molecular imprinting (molecularly imprinted polymers –
MIP) and their introduction in sensor technology, solid
phase extraction and chromatography.
- Development of electrochemical and optical affine
(immune- and DNA-) sensors.
- Study on fundamentals of interaction of immobilized
enzymes with substrates and inhibitors using electrochemical
Selected publications:
- El'skaya, A.V. A few notes on science in Ukraine. BBA Advances, 2023, 3, 100089
- Negrutskii, B.S., Shalak, V.F., Novosylna, O.V., ... Lozhko, D.M., El'skaya, A.V. The eEF1 family of mammalian translation elongation factors. BBA Advances, 2023, 3, 100067
- Dzyadevych, S.V., Soldatkin, O.O., Arkhypova, V.M., ... Soldatkin, A.P., Elskaya, A.V. Practical application of electrochemical enzyme biosensors. Biopolymers and Cell, 2022, 38(2), pp. 71–92
- Bondarchuk, T.V., Shalak, V.F., Lozhko, D.M. , ... El’skaya, A.V., Negrutskii, B.S. Quaternary organization of the human eEF1B complex reveals unique multi-GEF domain assembly. Nucleic Acids Research, 2022, 50(16), pp. 9490–9504
- Yarynka D. V., Sergeyeva T. A., Piletska E. V., Stepanenko Ye. Yu., Brovko O. O., Piletsky S. A., El’skaya A. V. Zearalenone-selective biomimetic-based sensor system and its validation for real samples’ analysis Biopolym. Cell. 2021; 37(6):438-446
- Sergeyeva T.A. Yarynka D.V. Dubey L.V. Dubey I. Ya. Piletska E.V. Linnik R.P. Antonyuk M.Z. Ternovska T.K. Brovko O.O. Piletsky S.A. El’skaya A.V. Sensor Based on Molecularly Imprinted Polymer Membranes and Smartphone for Detection of Fusarium Contamination in Cereals. Sensors (Switzerland), vol. 20 (15), pp.4304-4324, 2020
- Sergeyeva, T., Yarynka, D., Piletska, E., (...), Piletsky, S., El'skaya, A. Development of a smartphone-based biomimetic sensor for aflatoxin B1 detection using molecularly imprinted polymer membranes. Talanta 201, pp. 204-210, 2019
- Bondarchuk, T.V., Lozhko, D.M., Shalak, V.F., (...), Negrutskii, B.S., El'skaya, A.V. The protein-binding N-terminal domain of human translation elongation factor 1Bβ possesses a dynamic α-helical structural organization. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 126, pp. 899-907, 2019
- T.Borisova, D.Kucherenko, O.Soldatkin, I.Kucherenko, A.Pastukhov, A.Nazarova, M.Galkin, A.Borysov, N.Krisanova, A.Soldatkin, A.El`skaya. An amperometric glutamate biosensor for monitoring glutamate release from brain nerve terminals and in blood plasma. Analytica Chimica Acta, Available online 20 March 2018,
- Negrutskii B., Vlasenko D., Mirande M., Futernyk P., El'skaya A. mRNA-Independent way to regulate translation elongation rate in eukaryotic cells. International Union of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Life. 2018 Mar;70(3):192-196
- Bondarchuk T.V,, Lozhko D.M., Shalak V.F., Fatalska A., Szczepanowski R.H., Dadlez M., Negrutskii B.S., El’skaya A.V. The protein-binding N-terminal domain of human translation elongation factor 1Bβ possesses a dynamic α-helical structural organization. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules. 2018 Dec 24;126:899-907. doi: 10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2018.12.220
- Soldatkin O., Stepurska K., Arkhypova V., Soldatkin A., El’skaya A., Lagarde F., Dzyadevich S. Conductometric enzyme biosensor for patulin determination. Sensors and Actuators B 239. 2017;1010-1015
- Sergeyeva A., Yarinka D., Piletska E., Linnik R., Zaporozhets O., Brovko O., Piletsky S., El’skaya A. Fluorescent sensor systems based on nanostructured polymeric membranes for selective recognition of aflatoxin B1. Talanta, 2017; vol. 175:101-107
- Novosylna O, Doyle A, Vlasenko D, Murphy M, Negrutskii B, El'skaya A. Comparison of the ability of mammalian eEF1A1 and its oncogenic variant eEF1A2 to interact with actin and calmodulin. Biol. Chem. 2017;398(1):113-124
- Velychko T, Soldatkin OO, Melnyk V, Marchenko S, Kirdeciler SK, Akata B, Soldatkin AP, El’skaya A, Dzyadevych S. A novel conductometric urea biosensor with improved analytical characteristics based on recombinant urease adsorbed on nanoparticle of silicalite. Nanoscale Research Letters. 2016; DOI 10.1186/s11671-016-1310-3 6 pages.
- Bondarchuk TV, Shalak VF, Negrutskii BS, El’skaya AV. Leucine-zipper motif is responsible for self-association of translation elongation factor 1Bβ. Biopolym. Cell. 2016;32(1):9-20.
- Trosiuk TV, Shalak VF, Szczepanowski RH, Negrutskii BS, El'skaya AV. A non-catalytic N-terminal domain negatively influences the nucleotide exchange activity of translation elongation factor 1Bα. FEBS J. 2016 Feb;283(3):484-97.
- Novosylna O, Doyle A, Vlasenko D, Murphy M, Negrutskii B, El'skaya A. Comparison of the ability of mammalian eEF1A1 and its oncogenic variant eEF1A2 to interact with actin and calmodulin. Biol Chem. 2016 Aug 17. pii: /j/bchm.ahead-of-print/hsz-2016-0172/hsz-2016-0172.xml. doi: 10.1515/hsz-2016-017.
- Novosylna O, Jurewicz E, Pydiura N, Goral A, Filipek A, Negrutskii B, El'skaya A. Translation elongation factor eEF1A1 is a novel partner of a multifunctional protein Sgt1. Biochimie. 2015 Dec;119:137-45.
- Marchenko S, Kucherenko I, Hereshko A, Panasiuk I, Soldatkin OO, El'skaya A, Soldatkin AP. Application of potentiometric biosensor based on recombinant urease for urea determination in blood serum and hemodialyzate. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 2015, V. 207, P. 981-986.
- Vlasenko D, Novosylna O, Negrutskii B,...El'skaya A. Truncation of the A,A(∗),A' helices segment impairs the actin bundling activity of mammalian eEF1A1. FEBS Lett. 2015; 589(11):1187-93.
- Veremieva M, Kapustian L, Khoruzhenko A, Zakharychev V, Negrutskii B, El'skaya A. Independent overexpression of the subunits of translation elongation factor complex eEF1H in human lung cancer. BMC Cancer. 2014 Dec 3;14:913.
- Trosiuk TV, Liudkovska VV, Shalak VF, Negrutskii1 BS, El’skaya AV. Structural dissection of human translation elongation factor 1Bγ (eEF1Bγ): expression of full-length protein and its truncated forms. Biopolymers and Cell. 2014;30(2):96-106.
- Thibaut Crepin, Shalak VF, Yaremchuk AD, ...El'skaya AV. Mammalian translation elongation factor eEF1A2: X-ray structure and new features of GDP/GTP exchange mechanism in higher eukaryotes. Nucleic Acids Research. 2014;42(20):12939-48.
- Sergeyeva TA, Chelyadina DS, Gorbach LA, ...El'skaya AV. Colorimetric biomimetic sensor systems based on molecularly imprinted polymer membranes for highly-selective detection of phenol in environmental samples. Biopolymers and Cell. 2014;30(3):209-216.
- Soldatkin OO, Kasap OB, Akata B,...El'skaya AV. Elaboration of new method of enzyme adsorption on silicalite and nano beta zeolite for amperometric biosensor creation. Biopolymers and Cell. 2014;30(4):291-298.
- Vislovukh A, Kratassiouk G, Porto E, Gralievska N, Beldiman C, Pinna G, El’skaya A, Harel-Bellan A, Negrutskii B, Groisman I. Proto-oncogenic isoform A2 of eukaryotic translation elongation factor eEF1 is a target of miR-663 and miR-744 // Br J Cancer -2013 Jun 11; N108. - V.11 P. 2304–11.
- T.A.Sergeyeva, L.A.Gorbach, E.V.Piletska...A.V.El’skaya. Colorimetric test-systems for creatinine detection based on composite molecularly imprinted polymer membranes // Analytica Chimica Acta. -2013. - V. 770. -P.161–168
- A.P. Soldatkin, S. Dzyadevych, T. Sergeeva, Y. Korpan... El’skaya A.V. Biosensors. A quarter of a century of R&D experience // Biopolymers and cell. -2013. –V. 29. N 3. –P. 188-206
- SoldatkinО.О., KucherenkoI.S., PyeshkovaV.M., KuklaA.L., Jaffrezic-RenaultN., El’skaya A.V.,Dzyadevych S.V., SoldatkinA.P. Conductometric biosensor based on three-
enzyme system for selective determination of heavy metal ions // Bioelectrochemistry. – 2012. – V.30. – P. 25-30.
- Slinchenko O., Gorbach L., Matyushov V., Brovko O., Piletsky S., Sergeeva L., El’ska G., Sergeyeva T. Catalytic molecularly imprinted polymer membranes: Development of the biomimetic sensor for phenols detection // Anal. Chim. Acta. – 2010. – V.659,N1-2. – P. 274-279.
- Sergeyeva T., Gorbach L., Slinchenko O., Goncharova L., Piletska O., Brovko O., Sergeeva L., El’ska G. Towards development of colorimetric test- systems for phenols detection based on computationally-designed molecularly imprinted polymer membranes // Material Science and Engineering C. – 2010. – V.30. – P. 431–436.
- Veremieva M., Khoruzhenko A., Zaicev S., Negrutskii B., El’skaya A. Unbalanced expression of the translation complex eEF1 subunits in human cardioesophageal carcinoma // European Journal of Clinical Investigation. – 21 October 2010. – Published on-line.
- Tokovenko B., Golda R., Protas O., Obolenskaya M., El'skaya A. COTRASIF: conservation-aided transcription-factor-binding site finder // Nucleic Acids Res. – 2009. – V.37, N7. – e 49.
- Budkevich TV, El'skaya AV, Nierhaus KH. Features of 80S mammalian ribosome and its subunits // Nucleic Acids Res. - 2008. - V.36,N14. - P. 4736-44.
- Panasyuk G., Nemazanyy I., Filonenko V., Negrutskii B., El'skaya A. A2 isoform of mammalian translation factor eEF1A displays increased tyrosine phosphorylation and ability to interact with different signalling molecules // Int J Biochem Cell Biol. - 2008. - V.40,N1. - P. 63-71.
- Kanibolotsky DS, Novosyl'na OV, Abbott CM, Negrutskii BS, El'skaya AV. Multiple molecular dynamics simulation of the isoforms of human translation elongation factor 1A reveals reversible fluctuations between "open" and "closed" conformations and suggests specific for eEF1A1 affinity for Ca2+-calmodulin // BMC Struct Biol. - 2008. - V.8,N4.
- S.V.Dzyadevych, V.N.Arkhypova, A.P.Soldatkin, A.V.El’skaya, C.Martelet, N.Jaffrezic-Renault. Conductometric enzyme biosensors // Handbook of Biosensors and Biochips / Eds R.S.Marks, C.R.Lowe, D.C.Culen, H.H.Weetall, I.Karube.- Wiley-Interscience. - 2007. - P. 379-394.
- S.V.Dzyadevych, A.P.Soldatkin, A.V.El’skaya, C.Martelet, N.Jaffrezic-Renault. Enzyme biosensors based on ion-selective field-effect transistors // Analytica Chimica Acta.- 2006. - V.568.- P. 248-258.
- A.P.Soldatkin, S.V.Dzyadevych, A.V.El’skaya, C.Martelet, N.Jaffrezic-Renault. Pathways for improving potentiometric and conductometric enzymatic biosensors // In: Encyclopedia of Sensors (Eds. C.A.Grimes, E.C.Dickey, M.V.Pishko).- California, USA: American Scientific Publishers. - 2006. - V.7.- P. 331-348.
- S.V.Dzyadevych, A.P.Soldatkin, V.N.Arkhypova, C.Martelet, N.Jaffrezic-Renault, A.V.El’skaya. Electrochemical enzyme biosensors // Kyiv: IMBG. - 2006. - 72 p.
- A.P.Soldatkin, S.V.Dzyadevych, A.V.El'skaya, C.Martelet, N.Jaffrezic-Renault. Pathways for improving potentiometric and conductometric enzymatic biosensors // Encyclopedia of Sensors, American Scientific Publishers, submitted, 2005.
- A.P.Soldatkin, V.N.Arkhypova, S.V.Dzyadevych, A.V.El'skaya, J.-M.Gravoueille, N.Jaffrezic-Renault, C.Martelet. Analysis of the potato glycoalkaloids by using of enzyme biosensor based on pH-ISFETs // Talanta. - 2005. - V.66 - P.28-33.
- S.V.Dzyadevych, A.P.Soldatkin, V.N.Arkhypova, A.V.El'skaya, J.-M. Chovelon, C.Georgiou, C.Martelet, N.Jaffrezic-Renault. Early-warning electrochemical biosensor system for the environmental monitoring based on enzyme inhibition effect // Sensors and Actuators B. - 2004.
- V.N.Arkhypova, S.V.Dzyadevych, A.P.Soldatkin, Y.I.Korpan, A.V.El'skaya, J.-M.Gravoueille, C.Martelet, N.Jaffrezic-Renault. Application of enzyme field effect transistors for fast detection of total glycoalkaloids content in potatoes // Sensors and Actuators B. - 2004.- V.103.- P. 416-422.
- O.A.Biloivan, S.V.Dzyadevych, O.A.Boubryak, A.P.Soldatkin, A.V.El'skaya. Development of enzyme biosensor based on ISFETs for quantitative analysis of serine proteinases // Electroanalysis. - 2004. - V.16. - P. 1883-1889.
- Lukash, T.O. Turkivska H.V., Negrutskii B.S., El'skaya A.V. Chaperone-like activity of mammalian elongation factor eEF1A: Renaturation of aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases // International Journal of Biochemistry & Cell Biology. - 2004. - V.36. - P. 1341-1347
- Korpan Y.I., Nazarenko E.A., Skryshevskaya I.V., Martelet C., Jaffrezic-Renault N., El'skaya A.V., Potato Glycoalkaloids: True Safety or False Sense of Security? // Trends in Biotechnology. - 2004. - V.22,N3. - P. 147-151.
- S.V.Dzyadevych, V.N.Arkhypova, A.P.Soldatkin, A.V.El'skaya, C.Martelet, N.Jaffrezic-Renault. Enzyme biosensor for tomatine detection in tomatoes // Analytical Letters.- 2004. - V.37,N8. - P. 1611-1624.
- S.V.Dzyadevych, V.N.Arkhypova, C.Martelet, N.Jaffrezic-Renault, J.-M.Chovelon, A.V.El'skaya, A.P.Soldatkin. Potentiometric biosensors based on ISFETs and immobilized cholinesterases // Electroanalysis. - 2004. - V.16. - P. 1873-1882.
- T.V. Budkevich, A.A. Timchenko, E.I. Tiktopulo, B.S. Negrutskii, V.F. Shalak, Z.M. Petrushenko, V.L. Aksenov, R. Willumeit, J. Kohlbrecher, I.N.Serdyuk, A.V.El'skaya. Extended conformation of mammalian translation elongation factor 1A in solution // Biochemistry. - 2003. - V.24,N51. - P.15342-15349.
- T.A.Sergeyeva, S.A.Piletsky, E.V.Piletska, O.O.Brovko, L.V.Karabanova, L.M.Sergeeva, A.V.El'skaya, A.P.F.Turner. In situ formation of porous molecularly imprinted polymer membranes // Macromolecules. - 2003.- V.36,N19. - P. 7352-7357.
- V.N.Arkhypova, S.V.Dzyadevych, A.P.Soldatkin, A.V.El'skaya, C.Martelet, N.Jaffrezic-Renault. Development and optimisation of biosensors based on pH-sensitive field effect transistor and cholinesterase for sensitive detection of solanaceous glycoalkaloids // Biosensors & Bioelectronics. - 2003. - V.18. - P. 1047-1053.
- S.V.Dzyadevych, A.P.Soldatkin, Y.I.Korpan, V.N.Arkhypova, A.V.El'skaya, J.-M.Chovelon, C.Martelet, N.Jaffrezic-Renault. Biosensors based on enzyme field effect transistors for determination of some substrates and inhibitors // Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry. - 2003. - V.377. - P. 496-506.
- Petrushenko Z.M., Budkevich T.V., Shalak V.F., Negrutskii B.S., El'skaya A.V. Novel complexes of mammalian translation elongation factor eEF1A*GDP with uncharged tRNA and aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase. Implications for tRNA channeling // Eur. J. Biochem. - 2002. - V.269. - P. 4811-4818.
- Budkevich, T.V., Timchenko, A. A., Tiktopulo, E.I., Negrutskii, B.S., Shalak, V.F., Petrushenko, Z.M., Aksenov, V.L., Willumeit, R., Kohlbrecher, J., Serdyuk, I.N., El'skaya A.V. Extended conformation of mammalian translation elongation factor 1A in solution // Biochemistry. - 2002. - V.41. - P. 15342-15349.