Department of Biomolecular Electronics

The Department of Biomolecular Electronics (from 2004 to 2019 - the Laboratory of the same name), founded on the basis of the Department of Translation Mechanisms of Genetic Information, which was headed by Full Member of NASU, Doctor of Science, Professor Anna El’ska from 1978 to 2019.

Head - Full Member of NASU, Doctor of Science, Professor Olexii P. Soldatkin (from 2004 to 2024).

In 2024, the Head of the department was elected Dr.Sci Oleksandr O. Soldatkin.


Oleksandr O. Soldatkin
Dr. Sci. (Biotechnology),
Phone: (380-44) 200-03-28;

Scientific activity:

The Department of Biomolecular Electronics is focused on the development of electrochemical (amperometric, potentiometric (ISFET), conductometric) and optical chemo/biosensors for monitoring of environmental and food contamination, quality control of food and pharmaceutical products, control of biotechnological processes and for medical diagnosis. Our scientific team has a strong experience in bio/chemo sensor development, in immobilization of DNA, enzymes, antibodies, proteins, calixarenes and whole cells onto microelectrodes based on carbon, gold, platinum and others materials. To improve analytical parameters of biosensors (sensitivity, limit of detection, linear range, selectivity etc.) different approaches are applied by our team, i.e. use of innovative electrode materials with improved design; modification of electrodes and bioselective layer by polymers (PPD, PVA-SbQ, etc.) and nanomaterials (carbon nanotubes, nanodiamonds, zeolites, gold nanoparticles, etc.).

Scientific research:

  • Development of micro/nano electrochemical bio- and chemo-sensors for the determination of some neurotransmitters (acetylcholine, glutamate, etc.), alcohols, carbohydrates, aldehydes, toxic substances (heavy metal ions, pesticides, aflatoxins, etc.), urea, ammonium, arginine and blood metabolites in vitro and in vivo.
  • Application of nanomaterials (carbon nanotubes, gold nanoparticles, nanodiamonds and zeolites) to improve analytical characteristics of bio- and chemo-sensors.
  • Application of new genetically engineered proteins and synthetic molecules as a recognition element for sensors with improved analytical characteristics.
  • Creation and study of synthetic analogues of biological receptors by molecular imprinting (molecular imprinted polymers - MIP) and their implementation in sensor technology, solid phase extraction and chromatography.
  • Development of electrochemical and optical affine (immune- and DNA-) sensors.
  • Study on fundamentals of the interaction of immobilized enzymes with substrates and inhibitors using electrochemical sensors.
ISFET-based enzyme multi-biosensor for determination of toxic substances
SPR-based system for identification of viruses, DNA- and immune diagnostics
Conductometric biosensor system for determination of carbohydrates, arginine, urea and other substances
Potentiometric biosensor system for determination of different toxins, glycoalkaloids and other substances
Smartphone fluorescent sensor system based on molecularly imprinted polymeric membranes for aflatoxin B1 and zearalenone detection
Optical biosensor based on nano-MIP-membranes for determination of aflatoxin В1